2024 Shore Conference Football Schedule and Results
Note: The following composite schedule is based on team schedules gathered from the Shore Conference scheduling site, bigteams.com and select school athletic pages. Opponents, dates, and times are subject to change.
2024 Week-by-Week Shore Conference Football Schedule
Keyport – Behind HS on Jackson Street
Neptune – Memorial Athletic Complex at Summerfield Elementary School
Point Beach – Antrim Elementary School
Red Bank Catholic – Count Basie Park
None – Barnegat, Brick Memorial, Central, Freehold, Freehold Township, Jackson Liberty, Jackson Memorial, Keyport, Lakewood, Manalapan, Manchester, Monmouth, Point Boro, St. John Vianney, Southern, Toms River East, Toms River North, Toms River South
Week 0 – Asbury Park, Brick, Howell, Keansburg, Lacey, Middletown North, New Egypt, Pinelands, Raritan, Rumson-Fair Haven, Shore
Week 1 – Donovan Catholic, Point Beach
Week 3 – Asbury Park
Week 4 – Neptune, Ocean, Red Bank
Week 5 – Donovan Catholic, Holmdel, Long Branch, Matawan, Red Bank Catholic, Wall
Week 6 – Colts Neck, Marlboro
Week 7 – Middletown North, Middletown South
Week 8 – Manasquan, Neptune, Wall
BYES: Asbury Park, Brick, Howell, Keansburg, Lacey, Middletown North, New Egypt, Pinelands, Raritan, Rumson-Fair Haven, Shore
Thursday, Aug. 29
Class B North
Ocean 10, Red Bank 6
Toms River East 12, Barnegat 7
Battle at the Beach
Manchester 26, West Deptford 21
No. 6 Brick Memorial 23, Allentown 20
Bernards 34, Monmouth 6
Jackson Liberty 34, Hamilton West 0
Middletown (Del.) 16, No. 2 Red Bank Catholic 14
Friday, Aug. 30
No. 11 Holmdel 38, Long Branch 32
Wall 34, Matawan 7
No. 10 Freehold Township 35, Toms River South 14
Battle at the Beach
Cherokee 30, No. 7 Middletown South 0
St. Augustine 35, No. 4 Donovan Catholic 6
Lakewood 22, Ewing 20
Manville 28, Keyport 7
Piscataway 21, No. 11 Manalapan 11
Freehold 28, New Brunswick 0
No. 12 St. John Vianney 34, Carteret 0
No. 8 Jackson Memorial 17, North Brunswick 7
No. 5 Point Boro 49, Steinert 7
No. 1 Toms River North 31, Downingtown East (Pa.) 2
Central 20, Hightstown 0
Saturday, Aug. 31
Class A North
Marlboro 34, Colts Neck 0
Manasquan 33, Neptune o
Battle at The Beach
Southern 17, Highland 0
Point Beach 28, South River 0
BYES: Donovan Catholic, Point Beach
Thursday, Sept. 5
Class D North
New Egypt 27, Keansburg 7
Friday, Sept. 6
Class D North
Neptune 42, Keyport 14
No. 1 Toms River North 55, Toms River East 0
No. 3 Rumson-Fair Haven 41, No. 5 Point Boro 28
No. 6 Brick Memorial 37, Brick 6
No. 7 Holmdel 42, Ocean 10
No. 8 Jackson Memorial 37, Long Branch 34
Howell 42, No. 9 Freehold Township 33
No. 10 St. John Vianney 35, No. 12 Marlboro 7
Central 41, Matawan 28
Red Bank 33, Jackson Liberty 0
Lakewood 52, Asbury Park 40
Barnegat 47, Freehold 23
Toms River South 28, Raritan 21
Middletown South 28, Manalapan 21 (OT)
Middletown North 37, Lacey 7
Southern 26, Manchester 0
Shore 28, Pinelands 7
Don Bosco Prep 44, No. 2 Red Bank Catholic 0
Saturday, Sept. 7
No. 11 Wall 41, Colts Neck 0
Manasquan 48, Monmouth 14
BYES: None
Friday, Sept. 13
Class A North
No. 2 Rumson-Fair Haven 35, Marlboro 6
Class A South
No. 5 Brick Memorial 34, No. 11 Howell 14
No. 6 Point Boro 30, No. 4 Donovan Catholic 14
No. 1 Toms River North 54, No. 8 Jackson Memorial 10
Class B North
Freehold Township 20, Ocean 14 (OT)
Middletown North 14, Matawan 0
Class B South
Brick 35, Lacey 7
Southern 24, Toms River South 8
Central 28, Toms River East 7
Class C North
No. 9 St. John Vianney 33, No. 7 Holmdel 19
No. 11 Wall 28, Raritan 13
Class C South
Manchester 30, Pinelands 26
Barnegat 42, Jackson Liberty 14
Lakewood 40, Monmouth 13
Class D North
New Egypt 24, Asbury Park 6
Shore 34, Point Beach 0
Saturday, Sept. 14
Class A North
No. 3 Red Bank Catholic 41, Long Branch 7
Middletown South 21, Colts Neck 0
Class B North
Red Bank 36, Freehold 7
Class C North
Manalapan 35, No. 12 Manasquan 7
Class D North
Neptune 37, Keansburg 7
JFK-Paterson 20, Keyport 7
BYE: Asbury Park
Friday, Sept. 20
Class A North
No. 2 Rumson-Fair Haven 35, Long Branch 0
Marlboro 3, No. 11 Middletown South 0
Class A South
No. 1 Toms River North 35, No. 4 Brick Memorial 6
No. 10 Donovan Catholic 13, Howell 6
No. 5 Point Boro 34, No. 8 Jackson Memorial 24
Class B North
Freehold Township 24, Red Bank 22
Middletown North 24, Ocean 7
Class B South
Toms River South 27, Brick 21
Southern 42, Toms River East 0
Class C North
No. 9 Holmdel 41, Manasquan 0
No. 12 Manalapan 27, Raritan 0
No. 7 Wall 36, No. 6 St. John Vianney 26
Class C South
Manchester 15, Jackson Liberty 9
Pinelands 42, Lakewood 16
Barnegat 42, Monmouth 6
Class D North
New Egypt 7, Neptune 6
Point Beach 24, Keansburg 13
Shore 49, Keyport 0
Saturday, Sept. 21
Class A North
No. 3 Red Bank Catholic 41, Colts Neck 7
Class B North
Matawan 35, Freehold 21
Class B South
Central 14, Lacey 7
BYES: Neptune, Ocean, Red Bank
Friday, Sept. 27
Class A North
No. 2 Rumson-Fair Haven 34, Middletown South 6
Class A South
No. 5 Brick Memorial 34, No. 9 Donovan Catholic 27
Howell 18, No. 8 Jackson Memorial 0
No. 1 Toms River North 24, No. 4 Point Boro 21
Class B North
Freehold Township 34, Matawan 21
Class B South
Brick 37, Toms River East 13
Toms River South 30, Lacey 7
Central 26, Southern 21
Class C North
No. 10 Holmdel 35, No. 6 Wall 14
No. 12 Manalapan 35, No. 7 St. John Vianney 34 (OT)
Raritan 37, Manasquan 24
Class C South
Manchester 24, Barnegat 12
Pinelands 40, Monmouth 0
Class D North
Point Beach 22, Asbury Park 12
Saturday, Sept. 28
Class A North
Long Branch 28, Colts Neck 20
No. 3 Red Bank Catholic 42, No. 11 Marlboro 0
Class B North
Middletown North 35, Freehold 7
Class C South
Jackson Liberty 38, Lakewood 6
Class D North
Shore 41, Keansburg 0
New Egypt 20, Keyport 6
BYES: No. 11 Donovan Catholic, No. 7 Holmdel, Long Branch, Matawan, No. 3 Red Bank Catholic, No. 8 Wall
Friday, Oct. 4
Class D North
Asbury Park 44, Keyport 6
Shore 32, New Egypt 0
No. 5 Brick Memorial 24, Southern 7
No 1 Toms River North 41, Toms River South 0
Brick 20, Jackson Liberty 14 (OT)
Pinelands 33, Toms River East 7
Red Bank 34, Lacey 6
No. 10 Middletown North 41, No. 9 St. John Vianney 22
Raritan 35, Monmouth 0
Jackson Memorial 17, Middletown South 14
No. 12 Central 30, Barnegat 0
Saturday, Oct. 5
Class D North
Neptune 47, Point Beach 13
Marlboro 22, Freehold Township 21
Howell 14, No. 6 Manalapan 6
Manasquan 47, Ocean 14
Freehold 49, Lakewood 34
No. 2 Rumson-Fair Haven 42, Manchester 7
No. 4 Point Boro 40, Colts Neck 7
Keansburg 21, Pemberton 14
BYES: Colts Neck, Marlboro
Thursday, Oct. 10
Class A North
Rumson-Fair Haven 26, Red Bank Catholic 11
Class A South
Toms River North 35, Howell 0
Class B North
Freehold Township 32, Freehold 20
Class B North
Middletown North 33, Red Bank 7
Matawan 7, Ocean 0
Class C North
Holmdel 56, Raritan 31
Wall 7, Manalapan 6
Class C South
Jackson Liberty 42, Monmouth 0
Class D North
Shore 27, Neptune 21
Friday, Oct. 11
Class A North
Middletown South 21, Long Branch 14
Class A South
Donovan Catholic 32, Jackson Memorial 7
Point Boro 27, Brick Memorial 24
Class B South
Central 10, Brick 7
Southern 28, Lacey 7
Toms River East 42, Toms River South 21
Class C North
St. John Vianney 52, Manasquan 20
Class C South
Barnegat 22, Pinelands 21
New Egypt 20, Buena 7
Saturday, Oct. 12
Class C South
Manchester 42, Lakewood 12
Class D North
Asbury Park 26, Keansburg 7
Point Beach 21, Keyport 14
BYES: Middletown North, Middletown South
Friday, Oct. 18
Brick Memorial 34, Toms River South 0
St. John Vianney 42, Matawan 21
Toms River East 10, Asbury Park 6
Holmdel 49, Monmouth 12
Jackson Liberty 49, Keyport 6
Manalapan 55, Freehold Township 19
Jackson Memorial 35, Brick 21
Barnegat 47, New Egypt 7
Raritan 34, Colts Neck 27
Marlboro 35, Lacey 0
Pinelands 26, Neptune 20 (OT)
Rumson-Fair Haven 56, Donovan Catholic 32
Wall 24, Howell 14
Point Boro 49, Manasquan 14
Toms River North 35, Southern 0
Central 35, Freehold 0
Shore 37, Ocean 14
Manchester 42, Point Beach 14
Red Bank Catholic 42, Paramus Catholic 14
Saturday, Oct. 19
Red Bank 27, Long Branch 20
Lakewood 36, Keansburg 27
BYES: Manasquan, Neptune, Wall
Friday, Oct. 25
Class A North
Rumson-Fair Haven 49, Colts Neck 7
Red Bank Catholic 29, Middletown South 14
Class A South
Brick Memorial 37, Jackson Memorial 0
Toms River North 31, Donovan Catholic 0
Point Boro 38, Howell 6
Class B North
Red Bank 28, Matawan 14
Middletown North 45, Freehold Township 19
Ocean 43, Freehold 0
Class B South
Southern 41, Brick 12
Lacey 28, Toms River East 24
Toms River South 33, Central 26
Class C North
St. John Vianney 28, Raritan 14
Holmdel 27, Manalapan 21
Class C South
Jackson Liberty 27, Pinelands 26
Manchester 42, Monmouth 12
Class D North
Point Beach 28, New Egypt 14
Shore 39, Asbury Park 12
Saturday, Oct. 26
Class A North
Marlboro 21, Long Branch 0
Class C South
Barnegat 35, Lakewood 22
Class D North
Keyport 31, Keansburg 7
Wednesday, Oct. 30
Regular Season
Manasquan 34, Brick 7
Ocean 34, Pinelands 21
Trenton Central 21, Long Branch 7
Carteret 19, Matawan 10
Thursday, Oct. 31
Regular Season
Jackson Liberty 35, Toms River East 0
Metuchen 21, Asbury Park 14
Friday, Nov. 1
NJSIAA Tournament
Central Jersey Group 5
5-Cherry Hill East 28, 4-Southern 21
South Jersey Group 5
1-Toms River North 55, 8-Bridgeton 6
5-Kingsway 13, 4-Howell 0
3-Hillsborough 49. 6-Freehold Township 20
Central Jersey Group 4
1-Millville 49, 8-Red Bank 6
2-Brick Memorial 56, 7-Northern Burlington 0
6-Jackson Memorial 46, 3-Central 13
South Jersey Group 4
3-Shawnee 21, 6-Middletown South 7
4-Manalapan 35, 5-Pennsauken 12
2-Middletown North 37, 7-Steinert 7
South Jersey Group 3
2-Mainland 49, 7-Barnegat 14
Central Jersey Group 2
1-Rumson Fair Haven 48, 8-Spotswood 0
2-Wall 34, 7-Haddon Heights 0
South Jersey Group 2
3-Manchester 30, 6-West Deptford 29
2-Point Boro 41, 7-Gloucester City 13
Central Jersey Group 1
2-Shore 21, 7-New Egypt 0
South Jersey Group 1
1-Glassboro 64, 8-Point Beach 7
Regular Season
Red Bank Catholic 35, Donovan Catholic 14
Saturday, Nov. 2
NJSIAA Playoffs
Central Jersey Group 4
4-Marlboro 22, 5-Toms River South 16 (OT)
South Jersey Group 3
3-Holmdel 35, 6-Oakcrest 12
Regular Season
Colts Neck 21, Lacey 20
Monmouth 28, Keyport 21
Neptune 34, Freehold 0
Raritan 24, Franklin 7
Bordentown 34, Lakewood 26
St. John Vianney 32, St. Joseph (Metuchen) 29
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Regular Season
Pinelands 48, Pemberton 20
Point Beach 26, Buena 22
Thursday, Nov. 7
Regular Season
Neptune 46, Colts Neck 14
Raritan 42, Ocean 28
Friday, Nov. 8
NJSIAA Playoffs
Public Sectional Semifinals
Central Jersey Group 5
1-Toms River North 21, 5-Kingsway 14
Central Jersey Group 4
1-Millville 53, 4-Marlboro 0
2-Brick Memorial 41, 6-Jackson Memorial 21
South Jersey Group 4
3-Shawnee 27, 2-Middletown North 17
South Jersey Group 3
2-Mainland 48, 3-Holmdel 13
Central Jersey Group 2
1-Rumson-Fair Haven 56, 4-Delran 28
2-Wall 20, 3-Haddonfield 7
South Jersey Group 2
2-Point Boro 49, 3-Manchester 14
Central Jersey Group 1
2-Shore 17, 6-Woodbury 7
Non-Public First Round
Non-Public B
2-Red Bank Catholic, bye
10-St. John Vianney 41, 7-Notre Dame 10
-Holy Spirit 38, 13-Donovan Catholic 0
Saturday, Nov. 9
NJSIAA Playoffs
South Jersey Group 4 Semifinals
1-Winslow Township 49, 4-Manalapan 8
Thursday, Nov. 14
Westfield 28, Middletown South 7
Friday, Nov. 15
Public School NJSIAA Sectional Finals
South Jersey Group 5
1-Toms River North 42, 2-Rancocas Valley 27
Central Jersey Group 4
1-Millville 48, 2-Brick Memorial 7
Central Jersey Group 2
1-Rumson-Fair Haven 38, 2-Wall 14
South Jersey Group 2
2-Point Boro 15, 1-Camden 7
Central Jersey Group 1
1-Woodstown 31, 2-Shore 0
Non-Public B Quarterfinals
7-St. John Vianney 31, 2-Red Bank Catholic
Saturday, Nov. 16
Regular Season
Manasquan 40, Steinert 10
Friday, Nov. 22
NJSIAA State semifinals
Group 5
Toms River North 27, Washington Township 10
Group 2
Rumson-Fair Haven 44, Point Boro 10
Saturday, Nov. 23
NJSIAA State semifinals
Non-Public B
6-Pope John 48, 10-St. John Vianney 14
Regular Season
Thanksgiving Games
Asbury Park 14, Neptune 8 (OT)
Thursday, Nov. 28
Thanksgiving Games
Class C South
Manasquan 13, Wall 7
Middletown South 32, Middletown North 22
Friday, Nov. 29
NJSIAA Group 5 State Final
At Metlife Stadium, East Rutherford
Toms River North 41, Union City 14
Wednesday, Dec. 4
NJSIAA Group 2 State Final
At Rutgers University
Rumson-Fair Haven vs. Shabazz, 4 p.m.