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Jersey Shore Institute of Health & Wellness Week 6 Shore Conference Football Picks

Week 6 Shore Conference Football Picks

The Shore Sports Insider picks crew of Bob Badders, Scott Stump, “The Coach” Ed Sarluca and Dr. Jim Louro from Jersey Shore Institute of Health & Wellness are back with their weekly Shore Conference football picks.

Here are the matchups and picks for Week 6.


Bob BaddersScott StumpEd SarlucaDr. Jim Louro
Rumson-Fair Haven at Red Bank CatholicRFHRBCRFHRBC
Toms River North at HowellTRNTRNTRNTRN
Freehold at Freehold TownshipFTFTFTFT
Red Bank at Middletown NorthMNMNMNMN
Ocean at MatawanMatawanMatawanMatawanMatawan
Raritan at HolmdelHolmdelHolmdelHolmdelHolmdel
Wall at ManalapanWallWallManalapanWall
Monmouth at Jackson LibertyLibertyLibertyLibertyLiberty
Shore at NeptuneShoreShoreShoreShore
Middletown South at Long BranchMSMSMSMS
Point Boro at Brick MemorialPBPBBMBM
Donovan Catholic at Jackson MemorialDCDCJMJM
Central at BrickCentralCentralCentralCentral
Southern at LaceySouthernSouthernSouthernSouthern
Toms River South at Toms River EastTRSTRSTRSTRS
Manasquan at St. John VianneySJVSJVSJVSJV
Pinelands at BarnegatPinelandsPinelandsPinelandsPinelands
Buena at New EgyptNENENRNE
Manchester at LakewoodManchesterManchesterManchesterLakewood
Asbury Park at KeansburgAPAPAPAP
Point Beach at KeyportBeachBeachBeachBeach
Last week15-414-514-510-9
Season record93-3585-4389-3958-24